Re: [-empyre-] More Throws...

Hello Conor, hello co-Empyreans,

As I had intervened a lot, previously it is by respect for all if I
refrained from continuing after the post of Michele " Exposure ".
On "(New Orleans reprise)" quotation of G.H. Hovagimyan by Christina, I
agree with his logical view of the extreme situation of Arts nowadays.

>From another part I cannot enter the following debate between G.H. and
Michele even it regards to respective passion : that is exactly of artists
or regarding Arts at the nearest.  So a hot debate at Christina's thematic
is a good sign.

Of course my come back to answer on Conor's quotation of Charléty assembly
and of the last match playing on the common FR screens in the city. From my
part what did I think ? But a real a event?precisely entering "Bare life"
from another sort of catastrophe than power or terrorism or natural forces
and without material damages of the bodies but of critical symbolic event
from the part of one (the butterfly of the chaos to the Fr team in one act
not being of the predictable rules and time).

Do you think really that Fr victory or defeat at last would be an event or a
no event? But the defeat by this way it was really a big event regarding the
symbolic plan. So thank you ZZ:)?As Artist.

On 11/07/06 18:54, "Conor McGarrigle" <> probably

> Hi Aliette, empyreans

As I am in Paris at the moment and as Aliette has
> already mentioned
it's hard to escape football and of course the fortunes of
> les bleus.
I watched both the semi final and the final at the Stade Charléty
> here
in Paris and I feel I got an insight into what  Roger M. Buergel
> means
when he talks of the 'ecstatic dimension to it ­ a freedom for new
> and
unexpected possibilities' . The photographer Jurgen Teller made a
video a
> few years ago consisting of a fixed camera watching him as he
watched Germany
> play in the World cup. Divorced from it' s context
it's very amusing watching
> him lose all reason but that's what
football is all about. Watching France
> play surrounded by thousands of
french fans reflecting the diverse backgrounds
> of the team, a team it
seems that embody so much of the political issues that
> are important
in France today. But when the ball kicks off all that matters is
> the
game and you are exposed to some form of bare life where the highs
> are
ecstatic and the lows terrible but all that matters is the moment
> and
there are no differences, no class, no colour just for that moment.
> it all comes crashing down in an instant as it did in Berlin when
Zizou walked
> off the pitch taking French hopes with him and we all
left to be greeted by
> phalanxes of riot police batons drawn and ready
for action.

But it is all
> worth it for those moments and those moments are what I
search for in
> art.


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